Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 181 - Assassins Music and Home Rehearsal

Met with the musical director and ran the trouble spots for both Balladeer and Guiteau.

Then ran blocking in the living room for both characters. 

Read Entertainment Weekly. Louis CK. Funny Guy. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 180 - Ty Harmon Workshop


Ran another workshop for Ty Harmon. Saw him back in January . This time he gave me a scene about a super, newly rich asshole who needs his porn turned back on in his hotel room. At first I read it as a socially awkward individual and then he gave me the redirect. He always liked to deter actors at the beginning, For some, its merely reinvigorates.

Until tomorrow!

Day 179 - In House Audition and The Ballad of Guiteau


Had an audition for a TV pilot pitch which is being sold only in house so if I did book it it would never air but would be a great opportunity. I played myself so I was at complete ease and all my ridiculous came spilling out.

Tonight we blocked The Ballad of Guiteau and since I have to follow both Balladeer and Guiteau, it was a busy rehearsal for me! Cross this way, stand here, sing, pray, kick, kick, turn, kick! 5, 6, 7, 8! Wait wrong show.

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 178 - 50's Promo Shoot


The day finally arrived. We shot at the Madrid Theater in Canoga Park.  This theater is a very nice space in the middle of row after row of chain stores. Nice fly space, not a lot of wing room but a decent seating capacity with a balcony. Took a little bit to find our groove with the gib and when we finally did we flew through the numbers.

The Twist was in a weird key when we started but the band was great about modulating it to fit my voice. Overall I feel it was a success and I hope Laura is happy with the result.

Until tomorrow!

Day 177 - Final Cabaret Rehearsal and Assassins


Met with Laura and Rusty for our final rehearsal before we shoot the promo tomorrow. Since everything is being broken down and shot in pieces, its not really going to be a laborous as I previously thought. I do need to touch on a few lyrics before I.................sleep.

Assassins rehearsal tonight was all about the final scene in which Oswald is talked into shooting JFK by Booth and the other assassins. Obviously fictional. Got the blocking for it and the final number as well. My book looks like a football coach's scribblings with all my circles and X's and arrows. Getting the blocking down for two characters had been a welcome mental workout. I'm going broke not working at CPK but I'd rather be doing something that makes me fulfilled and broke then semi-broke and empty.

Until tomorrow!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 176 - MTLA Benefit


Today was all about the MTLA (Musical Theater of Los Angeles) benefit. We arrived at around noon to get set up and rehearse and we find Ari's house is a flurry with event planners, board members, staff, volunteers putting finishing touches on everything.

Where are my servers?
 Drinks anyone?

 Hubba hubba!
 Backyard grazing.
 What a spread? (Thats what she said.)
 Mula please.

The show itself was very well received. A lot of people left feeling inspired to write a check so that is great news for MLTA. A sizable dent made and onto the next one. Thank you MTLA and everyone involved.

Until tomorrow!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 175 - Charlie Brown and Closing Night of Round Rock


So I'm lost in a shopping center looking for the one building that isn't labeled with an address or a business sign. It looks like a vacant  building so its my last resort. And that was my audition location for Charlie Brown. You'd never know it was anything from the outside. Luckily since it was a by invitation only audition it didnt matter I was a few minutes late. I sand "The Song That Goes Like This" from Spamalot and then "Suppertime" from Charlie Brown. There was 3 guys for the audition all of whom were on the email thread from Kristin Towers-Rowles about the audition. Seriously, that woman should be my agent. Anyway, after we all auditioned, we went back into the room together. "Steven, you're Charlie. Charlie, you're Pigpen. And Travis, you're Snoopy." They didn't waste any time. Handed us a script, a CD and say "GO! LEARN!!" October 20th! Put it in your calendar!

And tonight was also the last night of Round Rock at the Fringe Festival. Everyone in the cast has been amazing.  I've already said this but I feel truly honored to be a part of this project. Aaron Kozak, the writer/director, has a gift for dialogue, maybe a young Aaron Sorkin in the making. Maybe its just the name Aaron?

Until tomorrow!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 174 - Batman, Song Rehearsal and Round Rock Show 4


Finished our Batman sketch. Color correction is done as well as sound. Produced two, one with background music and one without so we can decide which is funnier.

Aly, my singing partner for The Song That Goes Like This, came over today with her boyfriend I presume and we rehearsed for about 20 minutes. I mean no need to fix something that aint broken, right?

And we had our fourth show of Round Rock tonight. A completely sold out crowd and they seemed quite enthusiastic. I forgot a line, at least, in my defense I thought the other actor had more to say so I waited. I did miss it, I just wait. Unacceptable.

Until tomorrow!

Day 173 - Promo and MTLA Rehearsals


Met again at Madilyn Clark studios for rehearsal for the cabaret promo. It's getting tighter. I have to twist so much my mid section is going to be a roman pillar. Nice.

And ran the program for the MTLA fundraiser on Sunday. I get to see The Song That Goes Like This from Spamalot in place of Don't Walk Away which I was super afraid of doing. Hallelujah!!

Until tomorrow!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 172 - True Blood Shoot and Assassins Blocking


Had my day on True Blood. It was a simple co-star but I got the chance to work along side  Sam Trammell and Janina Gavankar if only for a handful of seconds.

I believe the episode comes out in another 9 weeks as it is the 11th episode and 2nd has just aired. I wont say a thing about the episode but it was a freeing experience. Check on the Authority Lair.

And we did some blocking for Assassins in the actual theater space. The show is being produced at The Actors Circle Theater.

Until tomorrow!

Day 171 - Mohr Headshots, MTLA Rehearsal and Cabaret Promo Rehearsal


Finally got some headshots done with Jonas Mohr, the man, the magic! Check out one of the raw photos.

Ran to rehearsal for MTLA. We ran "Don't Walk Away" which didn't matter because we cut the number afterwards.

Then jetted over to rehearsal at Madilyn Clark Studios but, NO, rehearsal was at Debbie Reynolds!  Next stop! Blocked some simple dance moves but we did the TWIST a lot!

Until tomorrow!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 170 - Breaking Bad Season 4 and MTLA Rehearsal


Attention CPK guests. It's just #$%@ing food. Please don't be pompous and indignant if your vegetarian with japanese eggplant pizza comes out without a thigh fattening amount of cheese on it. Truth is, you don't need it.

Finished Break Bad season 4 and what a ride! Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul are amazing on that show. It's been a master class watching these two actors especially the character of Walter White who has gone from respectable citizen to desperate gangster. Cant wait to see what next season has in store!

Rehearsal for MTLA tonight. New songs, new arrangements, new keys, oh my!  Have a run of all of it on Thursday after a rehearsal for the cabaret Im doing! June please hurry and get over!

Until tomorrow!s

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 169 - Round Rock Show 3 and Scoring


Round Rock show number 3! Sold out show. Great response. Press was there too. Fingers crossed.

Started to score some of my mime deaths tonight. It's not easy but I find it very interesting how music changes the entire mood of the piece. A simple half step means the difference between a joyful noise and a sorrowful melody. Neat.

Until tomorrow!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 168 - Moonrise Kingdom and Round Rock Show 2


Caught Moonrise Kingdom this morning and its one of the better Wes Anderson movies I've seen. It still has that predictable lulling moment when you wonder where the story is going. Its about that point when I start to nod off. However, this one quickly brought me back and I ended up enjoying the ending very much. The two kids in the lead roles were phenomenal!

Round Rock show number two was tonight! Took a few liberties with my pauses tonight. So much so I thought about not even continuing my lines. What?! I was just out for a stroll on stage apparently. But I got them out and continued on with the scene. I've been taking my character Judge Hogg in a direction that makes him almost prissy. He loves his dapper, perfect look and enjoys hearing himself speak. He loves confrontation until he's up against a force he can't combat or more importantly understand. Maybe I'm making a mountain out a mole hill.

Until tomorrow!

Day 167 - Kicking Abs and Round Rock Premiere


So True Blood shoots on Wednesday of next week and I hit the gym with back to back classes.  If I'm losing this shirt for HBO I need to look great! Good grief.

Had the official Round Rock premiere tonight and it went great, at least from my perspective. We had all new scene change assignments so I didn't have my usual 30 minute break before my first and only scene in Act I. However, I still found time to go over a few things from other projects. Saw Kozak after the show and he just seemed stoked at how it went.  He was bouncing around he was so excited. I truly am honored to be a part of the project. Heard a reviewer was in the audience and he better have loved the crap out of it!

Until tomorrow!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 166 - Xana-Don't and Another National Anthem


Been singing "Don't walk away" from Xanadu all day. At first glance, I thought it was out of my range and I was kind of afraid of it but now I love it! Sits nicely in my voice and makes me work a little bit. Check out a performance of it at the Tony's Dont Walk Away

Worked "Another National Anthem" tonight at Assassins rehearsal. Since I understudy both Guiteau and Balladeer, I was a schizo singing both parts back and forth, back and forth! I'm ready to make Assassins a one person show!

Until tomorrow!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 165 - Assassins Research and Rehearsal


Had some homework for rehearsal. Researched both Charles J. Guiteau and Lee Harvey Oswald. Also created a backstory for the Balladeer. However, ran out of time and didn't get to deliver my speech. Next week will have to do. Also did a read through with most of the cast. Going to be a great show!

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 164 - Underground Audition and 50's Cabaret Rehearsal


My audition today didn't go as well as I would have liked.  Playing a real person requires research and I did my share but it was also a period piece which I don't think was in my body quite yet. Plus it requires an English accent which, again, I wasn't comfortable to perform. The acting choices themselves I felt decent. I wasn't ready for this audition though. I had 12 hours. No excuses. I should have been.

Went through the music for the cabaret and it fits better in my voice than I thought. Should be a fun time. Met Rusty, the other guy in the cabaret! Great voice!

Until tomorrow!

Day 163 - Assassins One On One and Late Night Lines


Met with musical director of Assassins  and the Balladeer and we recorded our songs for practice outside of rehearsal and that was it. In and out in 30 minutes.

Just picked up an audition for tomorrow and need to work lines. Got to go!

Until tomorrow!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 162 - First Assassins Rehearsal


Rehearsal for Assassins tonight mainly consisted of getting to know your fellow cast, all who seem super talented. Went over rules for the rehearsal space, understudy rehearsals/dates, and learned just a few numbers. I also auditioned for the understudy for Guiteau since they were without one. And I read for Byck as well because why the hell not! I love this show so I don't mind having my hands in everything.

Until tomorrow!

Day 161 - Prometheus and Round Rock Preview


Caught Prometheus this morning and it was less than what I was expecting. It promised an origin story and it gave one only partly. Yes, we were made by these human-like creatures light years away but who made them? The answer to "from where did the creatures from the Alien come?" was revealed.  So at least thats something. Didn't really get time to care about any of the characters. Solid performances but no real break out moments. Almost everything is in the trailer but it was still worth my time and money to return to that universe.

Round Rock preview was tonight and Rachel, Kanae, Wesam and my mother were in attendance and in the front row.  The run went well I believe at least from my perspective. Everyone was on point. Rachel had a few criticisms but the feedback seemed positive from all.

Until tomorrow!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 160 - Bootcamp Bound, Jonte's Play and Super Late RR Rehearsal


Supposed to have a substitute in bootcamp today and when she didnt show, a few of us took matters into our hands. I popped in my iPod with my dance cardio pandora station and we lead the class. It was awesome how many people stayed a took our lead. We were there to work out and work out we did! Then the Pilates substitute showed up and it got weird when we tried to throw us out for planking too long. What a self indulgent tool.

 My mother (Yes she's in town!) Rachel and myself caught jontes play finally in its last weekend. "Our Lady Of 121st Street" was an excellet ensemble piece, some pieces better than others. Overall, everyone was solid and had great moments of vulnerability and humility but there were times when there were two different scenes on stage at the same time. I thought Jonte did fantastic because he listens to his fellow actors and reacts from instinct rather than routine. That's much more entertaining to watch because it's real!!

 Currently, I'm at rehearsal for Round Rock. It's 1 a.m. and we just started scene 4 of Act I. I've had 24 ounces of Monster and I'm still falling asleep. Maybe it'll bring a level of quiet stability to my character seeing as I can barely function right now.

Until tomorrow!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 159 - Lease on Life, Mime on a Dime and RoundRockSpeedThrough


Show a new scene for a movie I did almost a year ago. The original scene I shot ended up on the cutting room floor. The director/writer gave me a second coming by writing a new opening and asking me to act in it.  Well die in it. This is the year of dying. I get shot in my own kitchen while trying to woo my girlfriend. But much thanks!

More mime edit!

RanRoundRockTonightAtABreakNeckPace. NoPausesNoStopsNothing! KeepGoing! Couldn'tUnderstandWhatMostPeopleWereSayingButIDidn'tMatterYouHadToKeepGoing! Last rehearsal before preview! Go Round Rock!

Until tomorrow!

Day 158 - MIME edit, Round Rock and Fringe Festival


More mime edit. Still learning!

More Round Rock. Still rehearsing but at least I have a costume now!

Check out Round Rock at the Fringe Festival!
Fringe Festival!

Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 157 - Music Rehearsal, Mime 2 and Round Rock Again


Started listening to my songs for the cabaret and they are mostly 50's and 60's. Great pieces! I'm gonna have fun with these!

Shot another episode of Mime Death. This time with a gun! You'll understand later. I think theyre funny.

And another rehearsal for Round Rock. Its coming down to the wire. Two more rehearsals and then we have our preview. After that, maybe one/two more rehearsals and we premiere at The Fringe Festival. And from what I hear, we need to be tight with everything because time is in short supply with all the plays going up!

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 156 - Cabaret Downloads, Self Study And Round Rock Run


Went through all my new music for the cabaret. Quite a bit there but I'm mostly background with lead on only a few. Made my iPod tracks and I'm learning by ear right now. Jeez!!

 Went over my Assassins tracks too. Again by ear until I get sheet music but honestly I could learn it all just by the cd. I did learn at the callback that the show is all tracked. Wow! Haven't done a tracked show since Campaign. I really hope these are fully orchestrated tracks because synthesized ones sound like black bean ass.

 Ran Round Rock again. Getting ready for preview on Saturday! Check out the Facebook page. Round Rock

 Until tomorrow!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 155 - Cabaret Music and Nothing Else!


I'm shooting a cabaret promo at the end of the month so Laura, the lady organizing it, dropped off my music and notes. It's a rat pack/Jersey boys feel. And that's all I did today. That's it! Lazy Sunday. I needed one so back off!

Until tomorrow!

Day 154 - Round Rock Set Building and Improv Gig in Downey


Help build some of the sets for Round Rock today. Basically, I helped pre-drill some holes and screw a few things (that's what she said). I always thought I would enjoy working for a construction company. Maybe it's my blue collar upbringing but I love working with my hands.

Did a private gig in Downey with Complex Comedy at a fundraiser for a school library. Good fun! And it was paid!

Until tomorrow!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 153 - Abs Redux, Assassins Schedule and Fire Pit Edit


Trying to really hit back hard at the gym and eat right for the next month. Having to take my shirt off for True Blood is going to be quite a feat when I'm up against abdominal legends such as Ryan Kwanten and Joe Manganiello. I worked out so hard, I came home and ate lunch and literally fell asleep on the floor in the middle of the living room. OUT!

My Assassins schedule was posted today, 5 days a week for 4 hours with Tuesday and Saturday off. Not sure how it will work with understudies but it should be fun!

And doing some last minute finishing touches on some editing by the fire pit on our roof with Penny Lane at my feet and a glass of chianti in my hand. Nice.

Until tomorrow!