Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 160 - Bootcamp Bound, Jonte's Play and Super Late RR Rehearsal


Supposed to have a substitute in bootcamp today and when she didnt show, a few of us took matters into our hands. I popped in my iPod with my dance cardio pandora station and we lead the class. It was awesome how many people stayed a took our lead. We were there to work out and work out we did! Then the Pilates substitute showed up and it got weird when we tried to throw us out for planking too long. What a self indulgent tool.

 My mother (Yes she's in town!) Rachel and myself caught jontes play finally in its last weekend. "Our Lady Of 121st Street" was an excellet ensemble piece, some pieces better than others. Overall, everyone was solid and had great moments of vulnerability and humility but there were times when there were two different scenes on stage at the same time. I thought Jonte did fantastic because he listens to his fellow actors and reacts from instinct rather than routine. That's much more entertaining to watch because it's real!!

 Currently, I'm at rehearsal for Round Rock. It's 1 a.m. and we just started scene 4 of Act I. I've had 24 ounces of Monster and I'm still falling asleep. Maybe it'll bring a level of quiet stability to my character seeing as I can barely function right now.

Until tomorrow!

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