Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14 - Party Creations, Scene Rehearsal and Brainstorming


Started lazy but had two kids parties in the afternoon. I work on the weekends for Party Creations and I've been there for about 3 years. I've done everything from Tarzan at a country club to Elmo in ghetto. Elmo almost got assaulted after being verbally abused. That was a close one! First party I played did Elmo. He's a lot of fun and I do the voice very, very well. Second was an easy athletic gig.  Basically I do football drills, obstacle courses and overall silliness.

I wrote a final scene for my acting class tomorrow morning and I rehearsed it tonight. Mostly proud that its a fairly well written piece. I hope it plays as such tomorrow.

Lastly, Wesam and I sat and brainstormed. Mostly I rambled on about my idea for a feature. I've written one scene just to get it out and I let him read it. He asks if it was from larger piece and the flood gates opened. In other words, we didn't get much written.

Until tomorrow.

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