Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 25 - NCIS audition, NCIS callback and Tongal!


Started the morning with a drive to Paramount to audition for NCIS again. It's always good to be called in. Matt calls me at work to ask how it went but secretly knowing all the while because.....

I had a call back that evening. Very simple. I walk in, say the line and go into cardiac arrest. Good thing I'm great at faking seizures. Kidding but seriously....I fake a seizure at Six Flags once and it went too far.  A woman, a complete stranger, raced over and put me in her lap while I kept going and played it off. Wow. Boy did I feel bad. I was in 9th grade too. That was too many years ago.

Lastly, more work on Hue for Tongal. Need to finish and polish tonight. I have a feeling if our concept doesnt get picked it will be because there are so many like it. We kind of set that up with the description of the character. But what rocks is we get residuals of any prize that is paid out based on our character. Totes my goats.

Until tomorrow!

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