Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 60 - Green Screen, Facebook Explosion and Tax Appointment


Purchased a green screen with a black and white drop as well. Thought we could use it for whatever shorts we wanted to shoot plus it'll look better for the blog when we get the new lights.

My Facebook page exploded with people commented on the episode and I am grateful for every one of them!

And made my tax appointment! Let's see if I can get some of those Wipeout taxes back!

Until tomorrow!

Day 59 - Star Trek:TNG, NCIS Episode and Fern Orenstein Day 2


An episode of Star Trek: TNG was on and I noticed several key players who are big today in the acting world that were but a blip on the radar in 1991. The episode was "Unification" and saw the return of Leonard Nimoy as Spock. But it also saw the arrival of Erick Avari, Daniel Roebuck and Steven Root. Look these people up. They are still working 20 years later. Thats a great career and one I hope to have some day. These people are respected as actors and they arent super stars but they are still revered as great talents and totally marketable.

NCIS episode aires tonight and Im already seeing posts on Facebook from the other times zones who have already screened it. Ill have to wait because I have to head to...

Fern Orensteins's workshop finished up tonight with a prepared scene from last week and a cold read.  I believe she's going to weight our natural instincts between the two different types of preparation. Should be interesting.

And it was! We did our prepared scenes to start and it went very well. We were then given cold reads and we did it one at a time. She even kicked me out so I had to wait in the cold with the rest!  She is a great CD to read with because she gives back. When we were finished she said to me "You need to be going out for episodic" and I couldn't agree more. It may be that I need bigger representation, headshots and/or both. Could definitely use a little more luck.

And I watched NCIS when I got home and it was a great, solid performance even though it was less then 3 minutes in length.  But remember, Anthony Hopkins won an Oscar for less than 17 minutes on screen for Silence of the Lambs. Yes, I'm the next Anthony Hopkins! Of TV.

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 58 - Late Afternoon Audition, Scene Rehearsal and Oscar Aftermath!


Had an audition for a CW show this afternoon. I believe it went well. It was all on camera with casting and will be chosen off tape by producers. I was called in by a CD whom I had previously met at a workshop. See? Taking all these bloody workshops are starting to pay off!

Rehearsed my scenes for Fern tomorrow night. I never heard back from my other scene partner but then again she is 9 and I emailed her mother. She probably thought I was spam or a child rapist honing in on her daughter like a shark does a small unattended child off the coast of Hawaii. Whoa. Too much.

Finally, all anyone could talk about today were the Oscars. And I talked back. From J-Lo's near nip slip to The Dictator spilling Kim Jong Il's ashes all over Ryan Seacrest to the return of an Oscar legend, Billy Crystal, I absolutely loved the Oscars this year. The speeches were  great, not overly indulgent, short and to the point! Plus I loved the opening sequence!

Until tomorrow!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 57 - Michael Testa, Oscar Sunday and Doing It For Me


Ran a workshop with Michael Testa. It was a cold read. Got a piece from a film that had very specific dialect almost Shakespearean. Michael wanted coffee and when he realized the coffee maker in the studio was too gross I offered to go get him some Joe. I left, came back and had 1 minute to read my scene out loud. Why I made the choices I did was due to lack of focus and time. I latched onto a handful of words the other character said to me and used that to influence my choices but I missed key stage directions that would have clued me in. I played this character weak, fearful, without love, when it was exactly the opposite. He was a soldier, a decorated one who missed the love of his mother. Not a spiteful, spineless coward who hates his upbringing. I just didn't get it because I didn't focus or take the time.

Oscar Sunday! Everyone was classy and kept the speeches free of politics, rants and crass subject matter. They had substances and were to the point. Everything was well deserving and I under estimated Hugo's take. Just be Scorsese's name was on it, I feel it may have garnered more wins than deserved. Mainly I wanted Potter to win in some of the other areas. Makeup or visual effects! COME ON!! But Midnight in Paris and The Artist were by far the most fun and monumental pieces of work.

Finally, this blog is for me. A video diary of sorts. Where am I now? Where am I tomorrow? If the day involves a funny story, a weird voice, a leap forward then so be it! I guess that blog will be more entertaining than the day before.

Until tomorrow!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 56 - Mike Page, Luigi Party and Joseph Cast Get Together


Ran a workshop for Mike Page this morning. He used to be a casting director on Fringe and Alcatraz but has since left to work on a new pilot. He has worked on so many projects. Just google him! Great guy. Gave some great advice about letting go when you're in the room and not worrying quite so much about the words and being so technical. If you can bring the character to life in a true and interesting way it will work, you will be remembered. You might not be right for the particular part but you will make a lasting impression.

Did a Luigi party today for 5 year old Noah! Sweet kid. Just loves Luigi!

Finally, headed to a cast party tonight for Joseph at Ari Fife's house. He was one of the brothers and a funny guy. It'll be good to see the gang outside of rehearsal, pressure and in a social setting.

Until tomorrow!

Day 55 - Friday Morning Audition, Postcard Postage and Fern Rehearsal


Headed to an audition for a new SAG webseries. I'll admit I could have prepared more for it. The character/premise was simple enough, not a lot of depth just yet with the story. Im sure as it develops it will be a lot of fun.

Took my postcards to the post office and they told me they were half an inch too tall so they would have to charge me letter price. I took them back to the apartment and cut off the appropriate length and returned all to save 3 bucks! Wow! Im cheap sometimes.

And met with my scene partner for Fern's intensive on Tuesday. As he explained it to me he's only been acting for a very short time, approx. a year. He's only been taking class for a month so he's very green. But I think we worked it out and the scene should be fine. By no means is it perfect but between the two of us, very different skill levels, Fern should be able to work with it.

Until tomorrow!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 54 - Sides for Fern, Joseph Photos and Ned Lott


I have two scenes to do for Fern next week. One is with a guy my own age about two cops faced with turning dirty to play the game and stay on the inner circle. The other is with a young girl of about 9 years old and I play her father. Shes had a rough first day of school.

Joseph photos are up and there is a great one of me from the my number "One More Angel in Heaven" and when the brothers are reunited with Joseph.

And lastly did another workshop with Ned Lott. It's been almost 2 years to the date since I've done a workshop with him. It was a good read. I got to do my cockney accent in a scene from Narnia. Fantastic!

Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 53 - Jonte Legras is older, You Got Served One Armed and Christal Karge


Jonte Legras, roommate and fellow "Well Played" actor, grew another year wiser today. We all went to BeaBeas, a local eatery in Burbank, to celebrate his good health.

Still suffering from the impairment of my left arm I went to work and did my best. At one point I did drop a plate and scream in agony as I forgot my arm couldn't support the weight. At this point in the evening it feels much better. Having taken a number of pills, taken a warm bath, rubbed Emu oil on it and stretched a little it feels much better. Earlier I was in so much pain I was sure it was broken. I may see how it feels in the morning and that will determine whether I do actually go to the doctor or wait another day to see if it improves.

Ran a workshop for Christal Karge who in the office with Cami Patton and Jennifer Lare. She helps on "Justified" and a new pilot called "Awake" which looks like a lot of fun. I read for Christal last year for the "Justified" season finale 2 episode. It was great to see her again but I want to book that office so bad!

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 52 - Postcard Attention, Radial Revenge and Fern Orenstein


Postcards are complete. 29 each and individually written and addressed.

My elbow has been steadily getting worse. I have limited range of motion. In a twist of irony, I got my monthly bill statement from Blue Shield and they increased my premium.

Finally, ran a workshop for Fern Orenstein. She only went over headshots tonight and gave me some great advice. "Headshot needs to tell a story." And I agree. My main shot is very general and doesn't tell much about my personality or my capabilities. Bottom line; need new shots!

Until tomorrow!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 51 - Print Postcards, Postcard Particulars and BLOG Redemptions


Went to Noho Copy and made up my postcard prints for a very cheap price. Picked up 50 so I can send to 30 or so CD's and the rest will go to family, friends, agents and managers.

Now that I've narrowed it down to who I want on my list, I need to start to get personal on the cards with particulars from my past meetings with the CD's. Nothing fancy or too brown nosey but honest and sincere.

Finally, I need people who read this blog to understand that the purpose of it is to keep me accountable to my actions as an actor. The choices I make to further my career need to reflect in a positive manner and show an honorable character. Nothing I say is ever meant to be negative or malicious. This is a small world and the acting community makes it even smaller. I want to be an actor that people want to work with because of my work ethnic in how I handle myself and treat others. This is a dream job for me and I only want to keep it moving forward.

Until tomorrow!

Day 50 - Oscar Contenders, Photoshop with Jase and Postcards Complete


Started at 11am with "Dragon Tattoo" and it was so much fun to watch. Im glad we started with it because it was the longest of the bunch and my brain was firing on all cylinders because of the coffee so I could follow much better.

Next on the list was "Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy" and it was my fault for putting two movies similar in genre back to back. We watched an hour but had to switch to something more light hearted which brings me to...

Hugo! At this point the group was starting to grow and I became distracted working on my postcards so I missed the last half but from what I did watched I have to say Martin is a master.

Fourth on the list was "Ides of March" and this turned several great performances. No one in the group could remember why we were watching it since it was supposed to be a Pre-Oscar party and "Ides" was not up for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting. I think I got confused but it was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay so we continued!

Finally, ended with "Midnight in Paris" and what an ending it was. I loved this movie so much the first time I was taken to see it kicking and screaming. It really is Owen Wilson's laid back delivery that makes it work.

Im glad the group made it out.

Best Actress is going to be a hard category. Rooney Mara, Glenn Close, Meryl Streep and Michelle Williams all had to combat with varying degrees of transformation. Rooney had psychological issues, physical alterations, an accent, physical nature of her character plus a rape scene. Meryl and Michelle have the task of playing real people, Margaret Thatcher and Marilyn Monroe so they have all of history watching. And Glenn Close has to pull of a completely different sex.  Thats not to say Viola Davis didn't do a fantastic job because she has me in tears. Hard category.

Jase Lindren helped me with photoshop so I could finish my postcards!

Until tomorrow!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 49 - Andy Henry Workshop, Jim Strain Advice and Postcard Layouts


Met with Andy Henry again for a workshop. I saw him twice in 2010 and completely missed in 2011!! Yikes, Its been a while. Did my scene from Homeland and it went well but this time I kept checking in for some reason and it took me completely out of the scene. It still thought it was well done and offered a few suggestions. He typically likes cold reads because we, actors, cant over think a piece plus he knows whats going on in the scene much better.

My mother forwarded me an email from my Uncle Curtis who forwarded an email to her from his screen writer friend in LA named Jim Strain. Jim Strain wrote Benji and Jumanji. Curtis emailed him in response to my post about looking for agents. And while I cant just take a casting director out for coffee, the idea is awesome. Realistically, CD's dont have time for that because there schedule barely allows for a life. This does remind me I do need to send Susan Bluestein and Jason Kennedy a THANK YOU card.

Inquired about getting some postcards printed for mailers prior to NCIS talking about the episode and the 3 commercials I booked, Surplus Store, Lincoln Financial and Columbia sportswear.

Until tomorrow!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 48 - NCIS ADR, Well Played Episodes and Twisted Metal Returns!


Went back up to Valencia to do some ADR for the episode. Basically they needed some dubbing over my line(s) and since Adam and myself had improvised a few lines under our voices they wanted us to match those adlibs with dubbing. So I got a few more lines in the episode! Bonus!

"Well Played" aired episode 2 and 3. I have my reservations. I think they're humorous but technically they need some work. I wouldn't mind taking on more responsibility since my face is on this.  Editing, shooting, writing, whatever it takes. I'm enjoying being on both sides of the camera lately.

Well Played Episode 2

Well Played Episode 3

Finally, sweet addiction, bought a video game "Twisted Metal" for the PS3. Havent bought one in a while and this was a victory dance for the surprise paycheck I got for ADR today. Sah-wheat!

Until tomorrow!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 47 - Recovery, Homework and Agency Research


Woke up so sore and dehydrated. Fixed that with a huge breakfast from BeaBeas. I already missed the show!

Read another chapter in my ForEx book. Even if I do nothing with it at least I understand Im spending my time doing something productive.

And finally looked at some agency options. I have a list of reputable agencies that I have heard great things about.They are medium size so I wont get lost. Also talked with a friend about maybe doing some hosting gigs. Anything to get me out of CPK.

Until tomorrow!

Day 46 - Joseph Act 2 Staging, Joseph Run Through and Joseph Performance!


Due to lack of time, we decided to come in earlier to finish rehearsing Act 2 before our full run. Whats amazing is some people didnt get the memo and weren't there so we were still incomplete.

Finally when we had a full cast together we did full run at 230 to iron out a few things but still were stop and go. Ran 5 numbers but had to halt when my piece started to fix blocking issues with the ensemble. Figures! Kidding. But after that we ran pretty smooth until we got to Lorenzo Lamas' number and thats where it go interesting. This was the first time we had seen him on the stage or doing the song and its the day of the show! Talk about never racking! Without a percussionist it was hard for him to stay on beat but with a little help from Greg, our conductor, he managed. The pharaoh character is supposed to channel Elvis in sound and stature. At one point, the music stops and he approaches the girls ensemble and shakes his hips with gets a huge reaction of screams and yells. He then walks to the brothers and does the same thing. One of the brothers thought it might be funny if he shot up and screamed while the others pulled him back down and shut him up. We did the bit, directors loved it so it stayed for the actual performance. We got through the rest of the run and then went to a much needed dinner and break.

The show had me nervous. For a good portion of the second half we were without books so it was required we learn all of the lyrics and notes. As a group the brothers rehearsed over and over during the break to make sure we were ready. Still had a few missteps but between the 7 of us you couldnt tell. I was so nervous just sitting there with my hands on my lap anxiously awaiting my turn to do something! Finally our first words came out "DAD!!" and the nerves went away. I didnt anticipate the dry mouth I would have by the time my number came up. Hadnt happened before when we rehearsed but I also wasnt under the bright lights and going at 110%. My song went off without a hitch! It was great and hopefully when I get a video I can post it. Most of the show was well done and perfect. However, the pharaoh forgot to come in and sing on one of his lines and started to improvise. Luckily, Misty Cotton, our narrator, picked it back up when it was her turned again and everything got back on track. Im just glad he didnt ask the conductor to start over which Ive seen people do.  I believe the audience had a great time. They were on their feet in the end! We sold out the entire balcony and a large portion of the orchestra! Almost a full house. Imagine what we could have done with a longer run! So exciting!

I did at one point notice a woman in the second role yawning so big! And then I realized it was Rachel. Thanks girlfriend!!

The after party included a hypnotic open bar and a candy station complete with mini-donuts. Ridiculous! I dont know if anybody on our honorary host list even showed up except Judy Norton. Shes the only one I spotted. Others on the list included Kristen Chenoweth and Bryan Cranston. I was out of there by 11:30. So tired from the days events. People kept asking what my next project was and I had nothing to report. Nothing. "You're too talented to not be working all the time." Comments like that really get at me because what else can I do to keep the momentum moving? Better agent? Better manager? Postcards? Sell my soul to the devil? What?!

Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 45 - Valentine's Day, Metro or Macho and The Saban Theater


Ah Valentine's Day.  Another holiday designed to stimulate the economy and peoples libidos. Roses, candy, diamonds oh my. I am not romantic in the slightest but I still found myself buying these things because its whats expected of me. It does make the lady happy too so thats reason enough to do it.

And on to ladies, I amazed at how many people confuse a love of musical theater and disinterest in sports with homosexuality. So what if I was a cheerleader, roller skater and jumprope champion? I still enjoy the ladies. Mucho caliente!

Finally, we got on the Saban stage today and Im in love. Wishing now this performance was more than one night only. How often do I get a chance to be on a stage this magnificent in LA? Well Im not AEA or on tour so that would be next to never. It really is gorgeous.

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 44 - Adobe Premiere, Oscar List and The Entire Joseph Cast


I keep hearing about how Adobe Premiere and FInal Cut Pro are both great but Premiere takes it because it can pair with After Effects. But whats great is both can cross platform between each other. Watched several tutorials and I cant decide. I need to shoot some footage and then play with it.

Narrowed down my Oscar list for next Sundays pre-Oscar watch party and made sure all of the screeners work. Dragon Tattoo, Midnight in Paris, The Descendants, Albert Nobbs are on my list.

Finally met some of the leads for Joseph tonight. David Burnham plays Joseph and he killed it tonight! He will be fantastic so the rest of us can relax a little bit but only a little. And Misty Cotton who plays the narrator is crazy good too. Must be why they were on broadway in the first place. We put it all together tomorrow on stage!

Until tomorrow!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 43 - Football Ref, Khaki Hunt and German Forex


Had a party for Party Creations today so acting class and my politician had to be postponed. Wont be back for 3 weeks until after the Oscars. Today was a repeat client. I played a military person last year for the same birthday boy, Cooper.  Super easy gig because I get to play myself. Who knows me better than me?

Went on a khaki hunt as part of my costume for Joseph on Wednesday. Also picked up some new pants for CPK too. I figured having my butt look better at work couldn't hurt my tips. Also need to find a green cardigan for Joseph. Where am I going to find that?! I called around and most places only carry navy blue, black, gray and striped. No verde? No bueno!

Finally, had a study night for myself. Hit German Rosetta for a couple of lessons and read two chapters on ForEx or Foreign Exchange. I once tried to learn this trade and quickly got busy and dropped it. Im hoping this time if I stick to my daily office hours I can stay on my studies.

Until tomorrow!

Day 42 - OU Auditions, 10 Year Reflection and Episode 1


Today I got a chance again to be on the other side of the auditioning table. I met Paul Christman, a former professor of mine, from The University of Oklahoma which is my alma mater. He was auditioning young adults for entrance into the musical theater department. My job was to be a second set and eyes and ears. I met him and Evie Hutton, a former classmate, for lunch and after we said goodbye to her the auditions started. The first person to walk in the door was a Conner. I took a second and quickly realized it was same Conner from my national tour of The Full Monty. He was ten when I last saw him. It was so serendipitous because I had recently been thinking about him and wondering where he ended up. He could end up at OU. Who knows?

Talking to these kids and parents made me reflect on my time at OU. What was the most important thing to took from it? How was my time spent? Summarize my experience?  It was hard to do and sometimes I feel like I talked in circles. It was almost painful for me to hear myself. What did I learn? I did find myself repeating the same phrase. It helped me get rid of some back habits. I had talent when I entered and I think that helps but what I think OU did me more than anything was give me access. Access to other talented people, talented faculty,  a huge library of sheet music and showtunes and positive and constructive reenforcement.  I believe it helped turn into the well rounded performer I am today. Are there things I would have done differently? Sure. I would have fought more my senior year to have one of the lead roles when the actor dropped out. I was the understudy after all. I didn't want to stay in the featured chorus. Im bigger and better than that! I would have studied more and played less. I would have had total immersion in my craft instead of 75%. the opportunity was there and still is. Even more so today so anyone thinking of applying to their program should be extremely lucky to be accepted.

Finally, STAR WARS came out again this weekend. Episode one! I went to the theaters 7 times to see it in 1999. Now thats it back I remember why it was revered as the worse of the prequel trilogy. I still dont mind it though. Its freaking Star Wars. From the opening of John Williams electrifying chorus of the opening theme I am hooked. Even lines like "Yousa thinkin some people gonna die?" can be forgiven. Can't wait for 2,3,4,5,6 to come back out. Keira Knightly, Dominic West and Rose Byrne made appearances in this film much to peoples forgetfulness. But no one knew them so who was looking? They're sure known now.

Until tomorrow.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 41 - Time Out, Party Animals and Joseph Stumble Through


Last couple of days have been rough with work in the morning and rehearsal in the evening. Literally "wake up, eat, go to work, eat, eat, go to rehearsal, eat sleep." No time for anything else. Hopefully Ill have some downtime soon as in THIS WEEKEND! It's funny though. If I were spending all this time on set I wouldn't complain in the slightest.  But its those 3 or 4 hours I must spend at CPK that I would rather be learning a new trade, a new language, writing a script or something creative!

Party Animals is a kids entertainment group that contacted me a year ago to go a show with them overseas for the troops. I was unable to go because of a musical I was putting on at the time. I just heard from them yesterday about doing it again and this time they are in JAPAN! It sounds fun but mostly we are on the base only. Unfortunately they are auditioning tomorrow for a replacement character and Im booked already with OU alma mater stuff. Ill talk more about that tomorrow

Finally Joseph rehearsal tonight was mainly music with a few reviews spots for choreography. Some stuff we have NEVER GONE OVER. I mean we did in the first incarnation of this concert but never in this one! Oh boy! I almost feel back asking for $150 for the VIPS. It just means they get to drink a ton of free booze! And party with us! I just have to keep saying "If I do my part, they will do theirs and it will all come together."

Until tomorrow.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 40 - The Day After the Day After, Source Material and Joseph Staging Day 2


So I'm at work and its the day after the day after you get off a big set. You start to really miss the craft services, the bells, the "ACTION" calls and its replaced with lemon wedges, annoying customers and "CHECK PLEASE!" Nothing is worse. It's like coming off a hangover. Everything seems to annoy you, you just want to crawl back into that bottle of prime time goodness! But it tapers off with a few days and pretty soon you're back to normal. Yuck. Normal. I need a new normal.

Our DP from "Well Played" sent me a couple of scripts that he lovingly ripped off from actual events of a friend of his. I read through and they are funny because they are real but only so-so. Is that enough? They need to big bigger, better, grosser. We can still identify with whatever the problem may be but it needs to be heightened more. Its as if we put every negative possible situation in a script and then its entertaining! Well who can keep topping that?!

Lastly, staging rehearsal for Joseph continued. We finished but only just before 11pm. We have less than a week and I feel like Im totally lost. We're slapping this thing together but I supposed if everyone is professional and does their diligence it will come together. We just have to focus on what is required of ourselves and everything should be fine. So I shouldnt worry I've never seen any of the leads at rehearsal. OK! They've done Broadway. No problem! Think positive!!!!!

Until tomorrow!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 39 - Politician Elect, Rosetta Stone German and Joseph A Go Go!


Politician scene is finally done. Rachel gave it a read and her two cents. I gave her her change. HA!

Started Rosetta Stone German after I saw a guy who had just been signed to a nice Management Agency. I thought "Hmmm lets see what he's done" and he busts out this German role on a sub with William H. Macy. I mean this guy was awesome and some what versatile  and still a no name.

And finally a blocking rehearsal for Joseph. I got the GREEN LIGHT to go off the leash for One More Angel in Heaven. Im going nuts!! No music stand. Just me, a mic and the open stage! Man that sounds cheesy!

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 38 - NCIS Final Day, Rewrite Role and Joseph Homework


My final day on NCIS was bitter sweet. I told the PA Josh if my character weren't written off the show I'd beg to come back. Maybe on NCIS:LA! David MacCullum and Mark Harmon shook my hand after they announced "Thats a wrap on Travis!" The show is a well oiled machine to be on the air for 9 seasons. The 200th episode airs tonight! What a run!

Rewrote Politician role to make him more in control of the situation that he's walking into.

Need to look over Joseph music since tonights rehearsal was cancelled. At this point I haven't done it. I fell asleep while editing because I woke up at 5:30am!

Until tomorrow!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 37 - Update CD list, After Effects and Taped Wendy's Audition


I sent an updated list of  25 casting directors I have seen in the last 6 months to my agent.  From this list, we can narrow it down and focus on a select few that I'm super interested in!

Took a look at After Effects and Premiere from Adobe. Might possibly use my Tongal winnings to buy them since the check came in!

Wesam forwarded me an audition for a Wendy's commercial for a rope spinning cowboy. I submitted and got an email 30 minutes later about submitting a video for consideration. Threw together my boots and rope and lasso-ed a chair and emailed it off! And it pays SAG rates now since Im a member! Yeehaw!

Until tomorrow!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 36 - Played Hookie, Una Vida Mejor and Superbowl Sunday

Wasn't ready for class today so I opted not to go. I know insight can be gained from attending and watching but I do enjoy stretching when I'm there as well since I am paying to take class. I'll hit it hard this week and be ready for next.

"Una Vida Mejor" translates to "A Better Life" a feature who's male lead, Demian Bichir, is nominated for BEST ACTOR. I started to watch it and realized my copy didn't have subtitles for the Spanish sections. It prompted me to hit the Rosetta Stone today and knock out a few for lessons.

Went to David Loren's new apartment for the Superbowl, enjoyed the game because it was close. Favorite commercial of the evening was AUDI with its LED headlights that kill vampires. Brilliant! 

Until tomorrow!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 35 - Deedee Bradley, Spongebob and SAG card


Deedee is a lovely woman. She's very up front and honest but gentle in her approach.  I have her to thank for "Smallville" and ten wonderful years of my life! She also casts "Switched at Birth" which is now mid season. Had another great read. I really enjoy doing the cold reads with the other actors in these workshops. Its as if Im audition 20 plus times instead of once.

Party Creations sent me to Pasadena to do a Spongebob/Pirate party. I really enjoy these two characters in tandem except SB is so blind and I cant put my hands together. But other than that its the energy and voice of the character I love the most. And the kids eat it up!

Lastly my SAG card came and now I can get into SAG theaters for free!! Well its not really free. I pay my dues.

Until tomorrow!

Day 34 - Pilot Audition, "Chronicle" and getting paid


I first headed out to an audition for a new pilot co-star role. Having one line to say you dont really need to think much about it. If you do, thats where you can get into trouble. Just read the line as simple as possible and hope you have the look they need for the episode. With guest stars and other roles that require a little extra then you can do more with what you are given.

Caught the premiere of "Chronicle" today and it was less inspiring than I had hoped. The CGI wasnt bad but it wasnt finished. The story itself left no room for redemption of the main character. You knew with his current family situation, self destruction was inevitable. I've been working on a similar piece and, while mine shares some scenes and ideas, it is still wholly original but will Hollywood want to see something so similar so soon?

Stopped by Storm Talents new office to sign check authorization forms so I can get paid! Signed a couple in hopes I book more, more often! Here's to staying positive and going further!

Until tomorrow!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 33 - NCIS day 2, Joseph Rehearsal Day 2 and Private Practice


Today was the second day of filming on NCIS. 7am-9pm! Ouch! My scene was with the star of NCIS, Mark Harmon, and a guest star, Adam Kulbersh. Both are fabulous talents! I'm lucky to share the small screen with them.

Rushed over to Joseph rehearsal for an hour and then home! Finally!

When I got home the DVR was set to David Loren's episode of "Private Practice" in which he plays an Afghan veteran who is suicidal. So it's a comedy! Kidding. It's always fun watching friends on TV.  It's a learning experience for all.

Until tomorrow!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 32 - NCIS Day 1, Joseph Rehearsal and SAG mail


Today was my first real day of shooting on set with NCIS. Call was 930am but I didnt shoot anything until 6pm. If this hurry up and wait town has taught me anything its patience. Just breath and be patient. Getting pissed off and upset will get a one ticket to the unemployment line. Plus I really wasnt that annoyed. It beat working at CPK and plus I got to watch everything around me and listen a lot. Tomorrow should be fun!

Clocked out at 9pm and dashed over to rehearsal for Joseph in concert in noho. Luckily it was so close to my apartment. I hadnt eaten yet so I devoured the apple in my bad. Sang my song and we were out!

Had SAG paperwork waiting for me when I got home. The SAG handbook and by laws. All the do's and don'ts of the union. Had 46 emails when I got home and as Im looking through them I realized I need to adjust my posting parameters since non-union is off the table. But some of the posting still pay in the thousands for non-union and that hurts me. Ouch.

Until tomorrow!