Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 41 - Time Out, Party Animals and Joseph Stumble Through


Last couple of days have been rough with work in the morning and rehearsal in the evening. Literally "wake up, eat, go to work, eat, eat, go to rehearsal, eat sleep." No time for anything else. Hopefully Ill have some downtime soon as in THIS WEEKEND! It's funny though. If I were spending all this time on set I wouldn't complain in the slightest.  But its those 3 or 4 hours I must spend at CPK that I would rather be learning a new trade, a new language, writing a script or something creative!

Party Animals is a kids entertainment group that contacted me a year ago to go a show with them overseas for the troops. I was unable to go because of a musical I was putting on at the time. I just heard from them yesterday about doing it again and this time they are in JAPAN! It sounds fun but mostly we are on the base only. Unfortunately they are auditioning tomorrow for a replacement character and Im booked already with OU alma mater stuff. Ill talk more about that tomorrow

Finally Joseph rehearsal tonight was mainly music with a few reviews spots for choreography. Some stuff we have NEVER GONE OVER. I mean we did in the first incarnation of this concert but never in this one! Oh boy! I almost feel back asking for $150 for the VIPS. It just means they get to drink a ton of free booze! And party with us! I just have to keep saying "If I do my part, they will do theirs and it will all come together."

Until tomorrow.

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