Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 34 - Pilot Audition, "Chronicle" and getting paid


I first headed out to an audition for a new pilot co-star role. Having one line to say you dont really need to think much about it. If you do, thats where you can get into trouble. Just read the line as simple as possible and hope you have the look they need for the episode. With guest stars and other roles that require a little extra then you can do more with what you are given.

Caught the premiere of "Chronicle" today and it was less inspiring than I had hoped. The CGI wasnt bad but it wasnt finished. The story itself left no room for redemption of the main character. You knew with his current family situation, self destruction was inevitable. I've been working on a similar piece and, while mine shares some scenes and ideas, it is still wholly original but will Hollywood want to see something so similar so soon?

Stopped by Storm Talents new office to sign check authorization forms so I can get paid! Signed a couple in hopes I book more, more often! Here's to staying positive and going further!

Until tomorrow!

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