Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 76 - Transcription, Forever Plaid and Great Moments in Trying Stuff

I transcribed a scene from The Walking Dead episode 2x11 for my workshop class with Eric Souliere on Sunday. Now I just have to memorize it and do my own take within the given circumstances.

Kristen Towers-Rowles has been pushing me to audition for Forever Plaid and I made my audition tape and emailed it off. I performed Run Freedom Run from Urinetown and a random  monologue about cellphones and Facebook.

And finally my Columbia Sportswear commercial started airing today. Funny stuff. Check it out in the VLOG.

Until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Good. You are amazeballs. Get ready...and if you forget about me when you are famous, I shall kick you in the nards. Oh and happy St. Pattys Day :)
