Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 101 - Morning Rehearsal, M.I.A CD Workshop and Evening Rehearsal


Woke up and grabbed my Forever Plaid book. I didnt even really have to move because I had fallen asleep with it in my hand. Went over everything and started to learn the book too. Sent an email to the musical director just checking and to ask a question to which I already knew the answer. "How much you do want off book?" Everything of course!!

Went to a workshop for an unnamed casting director as I don't want them to be perceived a flake. If they say he 405 had them trapped I choose to believe. They just have to call me in for making me wait for an hour before canceling. It did give me a chance to chat with some of the fellow actors there. We even had a group discussion about The Hunger Games which Im anxious to finish! One person even spilled the beans about a breakup. I hope they are okay tonight.


Since I had extra time it was again devoted to Forever Plaid. I knocked out Moments to Remember and Crazy Bout Ya Baby. I'm really starting to dig this score!

Until tomorrow!

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