Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 110 - PLAAAAiiiiiidddd, MTLA Meeting and The Hunger Games


More Plaid rehearsal for myself but it is honestly making me very stressed. The harmonies arent sticking and I cant figure out how to make it work. I think once I hear it in context with the other Plaids it might help solidify it. I suppose being off book for the melodies and the lyrics will be a good start. Shoot me.

MTLA meeting tonight. Anyone know a good caterer willing to donate food? Wine? Workers? Also need some great musical theater talent who is well known to bring in the crowd? Other than myself of course.

Saw The Hunger Games and it was great. The hype was bigger than the movie I think but it did capture the book very nicely. Although several key elements of the book were left out, they did a great job filling in the gaps and making it all still work. I'm stoked to start the next book.

Until tomorrow!

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